Game Title

unforzen Dream


Co-op Stealth with puzzle elements

Number Of Players




Target Audience

Teens and adults;

ESRB Rating

T-Teen or M-Mature depending on how the graphics are handled


Two thieves are trapted in the eight circle of hell (the circle of Fraud) with their memories wipped clean and no recolection of their past, the two thieves despritly try to escape. But with no means of defenese the two must work together using the eviornment around them to try and find an escape. Along the way the two will find fragments of their memories that will be put together like a puzzle to reveal there past and give glimpses into the future. Being a multipler game communication will be nescessary in order to succeed. Warning you partner of approaching enemies and discussing the best course of action to take with the tools provided. Players can find and use tools scattered around the enviornment in order to escape.


The two players must work together in order to sneak around enemies and try to avoid being seen, while making their way to the end.

Similar Games

Amnesia, Splinter Cell

Key Features

The two players must work together in order to sneak around enemies and try to avoid being seen, while making their way to the end.