Game Requirements:
Camera View: Third-Person, following the character from a fixed position behind them.
Characters: Three total characters appear in the game. The first two are the playable characters and the final one is the boss at the end of the final level.
Environment: The environment will be in the style of an obstacle course taking place on various levels. Each platform will have more than one layer in its design that will allow for acid to drop and melt away a single layer at a time allowing the game to get progressively harder by changing the evironment.
Core Game Mechanic: The game is a race. It involves moving as fast as possible, making jumps and avoiding traps to make it to the end first.
AI: Artificial Intelligence is used on the final boss to determine his attack patterns and movement. It is also used in the single-player mode where a ghost like cpu plays against the player.
Physics: Since the game is a platformer, jumping and falling in the right spots requires gravity. Collision detection will be needed to assess the timer for input on a wall jump.
Audio: Background theme music will be the only audio available in the game.
Networking: Two players may play at the same time. The game is essentially a race so the first player to finish the game wins.