
Game Title: Race Turtle (Working Title)

Genre: Racing and Action

No of Players: 1-4

Platform: PC

Target Audience: 13+

ESRB Rating: Teen

Background: Turtles are the reptiles with a strong cover over a body which protects them from attacks. However the turtles are know for their slow moment
There is a place where four turtles lived happily untill they came to know about the location of huge treasure which makes them rich.
The four turtile friends starts racing towards the treasure to own it and become rich. But every turtle is greedy of the other turtle so they will
make some traps on the way inorder to obstruct the others moving forward. The game is about how the turtles trouble each other and finally reaches the goal.

Characters: There are four characters in this game.
1. Wario
2. Ryu
3. Neo
4. Satan

Description: Fout turtiles will be racing in an open world. The Environment will be of different types, and provides obstracles of different types
Turtles keeps gaining powers and attack on the other in preventing them to reach first. The turtles will be running continuously.
It will be a simulatanous game on four screens maximum, without a multiplayer the single player can play against computer AI

Rules: As the game is open world the only rule is reach the goal first.
Use the power Ups right time to attach the other players.

Similar Games: Original concept from Death Race movie, Fun Run(IPhone), Temple Run

Key features: There will be obstacles from the environment as well as from the players.
Power Ups are different types such as pause the world for others.
Different worlds with different obstacles both natural and artificial.
3D world unlike Fun Run and multiplayer with attacks unlike Temple Run

Environment Requirements