This is an ice screen in the North Polo. And there is going to be a lot of penguins and different ice obstacles
As every level the objective in this game is avoid the obstacles in the map and get the first position at the end.
There is going to be an ice level and the physics are going to be the same as every level.
The map is going to be something like this a line with obstacles and it is located in the polo
Our HUD is going to include the following things:
There is going to be two menus, one to restart the level and the other one to go to the main menu.
The camera is going to be a third person camera
There is going to be two bottoms, one for pausing the game, and other to go to the menu. Once the player is in the menu, it is using the arrows and the button “X” to go to an option
Every turtle is going to do a different sound when its jumps or when it hits an obstacle or take a power-up
It is going to be a windy sound, mixed with the environment objects such as penguins or avalanches sounds.
When the turtle takes a power-up it is going to do a sound depending which power-up it takes.
We are going to have an instruction screen to explain the controls and the power-ups.