Pitch Requirements for "Da Club"
Camera View:
Basically a Side-Scoller type Fighting Game Camera View
Main Character:
Fernando, the Costan Rican ex Drug Smuggler.
Pretty Gangsta-looking but always wears some type of dressy/classy atire. Fair skinned for a Costa Rican, and very attractive with a muscular body-build.
Very typical Club Scene with the following:
- Pink and blue neon lights all over the place
- Dance Floors (Possibility of Dancing in the background)
- Several different fighting levels in and outside the club
- In front of the Bar
- In the Parking lot with Caddy's on 22's in the background
Core Game Mechanic:
Essentially just like Mortal Kombat in which between 2 opponnents fight to the death on a set stage. There will be either
health or damage (TBD) and the fight will go on until either the oppossition is either knocked off the stage or their health
runs all the way down (TBD). There will be punching, kicking, jumping, crouching, different fighting styles and a descent
sized character selection.
Artificial Intelligence
Creating the AI for this game may be difficult, and creating different difficulties
may also be pretty tough. But there will have to be AI if playing Single Player ladder or
Story mode. The AI will have to read the players inputs and fight against the player. And also
try to fight back in a manor that is not impossible for the player to win.
The only physics that the game will have to incorporate will be when:
- The players jump
- When the players are knocked into the air
- There will be some pretty gangsta/Club music playing in the background
- There will have to be Audio for when the different characters attack
- There will be voice recordings for the different characters
I guess we will be able to fight over two different computers/xboxs....