Pitch for Dungeon Runner


Dungeon runner is a cross between Rock of Ages and Dungeon Keeper. It is a 2 player strategy game for the PC were each player must construct a dungeon during a constraint time period and then navigate a hero through the oposings players dungeon. Here the player will get resources for killing or destroying the oposing players obstacales. This is a game for strategy game enthusiasts and people that like chess type games.



The inviroment will be a topdown view of the ground wich will represent underground. The palyer can then dig trenches and create hallways.


The characters are going to consist of two Heros. One will be a melee and one will be long range. These heros will be upgradable and level up.

Game Mechanic

The core game mechanics is deciding how the placement and upgrades of the dungeons are used. It boils down to managing resources in a correct way by balancing upgrades in the dungeon and on the hero. This will ultimatly result in one person having a better strategy and finsihing the others dungeon before their dungon gets finished by the opposing player.


This game will be different from Rock of Ages as it has more upgrades for the hero. Changing the enviorment is also something that can not be done with rock of ages that will make Dungeon Runner stand out.

Key Features.