Level #1Basement/Dungeon
Introduction level
Introductory Material
- Cut Scene
Escape the Basement, and figure out what is going on
Physical Description
Underground Castle environment that is mainly stone and dirt with emphasis on the survivors timeline
Final map has not been determined because of balance of objectives
Critical Path
Two main paths that come to bottlenecks in the form of cross timeline objectives
- Puzzle components
- Explorable areas with access to additional items
- Cross timeline objectives
- House griefing
Closing Material
- Death which results in Cut Scene #5
- Exit the level which results in Cut Scene #2
Level # Main Floor
Main level
Introductory Material
- Cut Scene
Escape the main floor, and figure out what is going on
Physical Description
Main floor of the castle with emphasis on the survivors’ timeline
Final map has not been determined because of balance of objectives
Critical Path
Two main paths that come to bottlenecks in the form of cross timeline objectives
- Puzzle components
- Explorable areas with access to additional items
- Cross timeline objectives
- House griefing
Closing Material
- Death which results in Cut Scene #5
- Exit the level which results in Cut Scene #3
Level #3 Greenhouse/Garden
Finishing Level
Introductory Material
- Cut Scene
Escape the greenhouse/garden and get to safety of the city
Physical Description
Outdoor environment that is stylized to the survivors’ specific timeline
Final map has not been determined because of balance of objectives
Critical Path
Two main paths that come to bottlenecks in the form of cross timeline objectives
- Puzzle components
- Explorable areas with access to additional items
- Cross timeline objectives
- House griefing
Closing Material
- Death which results in Cut Scene #5
- Exit the level which results in Cut Scene #4 essentially winning the game