

RPG mode: Displays health, stamina (for attacking), gold count, weapons, game clock, pause/menu button

Design mode: gold count, game clock, toolbox with tools to use, items/monsters to place menu, the mouse position becomes a cursor, hero upgrade menu, icon for if knight is ready to be re-deployed, pause/menu button.


Put link for flow chart here.

Rendering System



First person camera for RPG mode.

Custom made isometric camera for Design mode.

R:GDD:Lighting Models:1

We’re going to mostly be using torches in the Dungeons so we will use Unity’s point lights. Directional lights will be used for the cutscenes.

R:GDD:Control System:1

RPG mode: WASD to move the character around. Mouse to spin around the viewpoint. Left click for basic attack, scroll wheel to change weapon. Right click to be determined…

Design mode: Mouse moves around the cursor around the map. Wasd moves the camera around while you’re doing this. With the cursor you can left click upgrades to your hero from the HUD, and you can select items to be placed in the world from HUD, and you can select tools from the HUD (like shovel for digging out your dungeon). (left click an item on the HUD and place it with left click. Right click can be used to move around the camera. Same for the tools)



Dark Classical.

R:GDD:Sound Effects:1

Design mode: Objects make sounds when placed in the Dungeon, hud clicks.

RPG mode: Walking sound, monster sounds, weapon sounds, trap sounds.

R:GDD:Help System:1

When you hover over a menu item it will give you a description about what that item does.